I have been blessed with the gifts of insight, clairvoyance, and other wonderful gifts of spirit from an early age. In my early 20’s, I was blessed with an amazing teacher, a psychic in her own right, Stacie Newkirk. She lovingly opened her arms, her heart, and my mind to teach me, guide me, and refine my skills. From psychometry to hypnosis, to the Tarot, and more, the journey continues to unfold. The blessings along the way have been countless, crossing paths and collaborating with amazing practitioners and clients have only added to a most fulfilling path.
For 40 years I have used the precious gifts of spirit in service to others, assisting my clients in blending the guidance of their source, with very practical information and advice, so they too can manifest happy, fulfilling lives. I am a voracious student of all things spiritual. I am a psychic intuitive, a conscious channel, a clairvoyant who uses all the tools at my disposal to connect to your source energy, bringing you clarity, insight, answers, and counsel, in a non-judgmental, practical manner.
I am a psychic intuitive, not a fortune-teller. An intuitive session with me is a deep, substantive conversation, collaborating our energies to access the wisdom and knowledge of your soul. My focus is providing you with powerful answers and practical information so you may fully manifest your best outcomes in every area of your life. Be advised, this will be some of the toughest work you ever do, work that only you can do. I will however guide and assist you so that are empowered and inspired to manifest your own magnificence.
I have re-calibrated my offerings to better serve the needs of my clients. I continually strive to provide my clients with the best information and insight I can give. Some clients may not wish to have a full life session, some merely have a few questions for which they seek insight. To that end, I have created new offerings and have enhanced previous offerings to give you more choices based on your individual needs. As with any offering you choose, I am honored to be of service to you and will conduct myself with the highest integrity, honesty, and respect.


I work in collaboration with you, accessing the wisdom and knowledge of your soul. None of us is immune to the bombardment of distractions and challenges as we experience our journey through this life. It is much too easy to lose our center and get caught in the downward spiral of feeling we have no control in our lives, no higher purpose. I employ all the tools at my disposal, from tarot, to the pendulum, to connecting with the Akashic Records, as well as hypnosis and guided meditation. The end-result is receiving information you need in order to create a clear
path forward, getting you in touch and in tune with your higher self, joyfully manifesting a fruitful life experience.

I provide you with practical tools and guidance that will remove you from the cycle of low energy and transform your life. The stress, anxiety, frustrations that you experience in your daily life are all a by-product of being disconnected from your higher self, your source. The longer we stay disconnected, the more we are presented with low- frequency energies that eventually present themselves as very real health issues. I will proudly walk this path with you as a mentor to your awakening and witness as you RECLAIM the magnificence that is your birthright.

As you reclaim your magnificence you regain your authenticity and see life from new and powerful perspectives. You no longer live life questioning every decision, in fear or stress. You will no longer live life making plans that will protect you from the worst possible outcome. You live your life speaking your truth, authentically, powerfully, magnificently. The difference between living a life of quiet desperation and living the life that you truly desire is the decision to make it so. I am honored to walk this journey with you, and witness your great unfolding.